Crabby Captain & Sunny Sailor - #97 UNCENSORED Dirty Games and Lots of Moons in Chatham Bay Caribbean Island Sailing Adventure
Crabby Captain & Sunny Sailor Season 4 Uncensored
Chatham Bay on Union Island in the SVGs gave us sailors some roaring good times. Cruisers from all around the world join us..... on hikes to find alcohol.... mooning those that stayed behind ( get it? "behind" hahaha).... wild parties on the beach ....on some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean.
We are Cara and Eddie a sailing couple that enjoy fun, sailing and a life full of adventure! Come aboard for our entertaining experiences!
Up Next in Crabby Captain & Sunny Sailor Season 4 Uncensored
Crabby Captain & Sunny Sailor - #98 U...
The island of Union in St Vincent and the Grenadines is a great place for kite surfing! And the night life ain't so bad either. We visit the Caribbean Island and enjoy all of the unique places like Happy Island (made of conch shells) and the village of Clifton where we venture down dark alleys i...