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Watch Crabby Captain & Sunny Sailor - #122 UNCENSORED Sailing to the land of OOH la la! Caribbean islands on the horizon

Watch Crabby Captain & Sunny Sailor - #122 UNCENSORED Sailing to the land of OOH la la! Caribbean islands on the horizon

Crabby Captain & Sunny Sailor - #122 UNCENSORED Sailing to the land of OOH la la! Caribbean islands on the horizon

The Sunny Sailor Season 6 COMPLETE - UNCENSORED! • 10m

Up Next in The Sunny Sailor Season 6 COMPLETE - UNCENSORED!

  • The Sunny Sailor UNCENSORED- #123 Cli...

    What was I thinking? Climbing a freaking mountain before a milestone birthday was a nuts idea! The young hotties sprinted up and down Mt Pelée in Martinique. But me, not as fast.
    And will I even make it back to my boat?
    My adventures as I sail around the islands are sometimes ...

  • The Sunny Sailor #124 UNCENSORED Fren...

    Those French islands bring us such happiness and joy but at times we have to work so HARD to get there! Can we let go of our American ways and adapt to get what we want?


    I am Cara, formerly of the Crabby Captain and Sunny Sailor. But now I am a solo sailor who is moving on and n...

  • The Sunny Sailor - #125 UNCENSORED Ca...

    Sailor's superstitions are never to be messed with OR really understood. But this Louisiana girl puts that all aside for the need to party at Guadeloupe's Carnival!
    And of course all that heat needs an instant cooling. Sailors love their superstitions and their good times.


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